domingo, 28 de março de 2010

É Primavera!

A hora mudou. Os dias estão maiores (ja estavam!). Apetece sair e as pessoas estão simpáticas. Eu estou mais feliz!
Acordar depois de uma night num pub seguida de disco manhosa (na minha terra sei eu bem como qualificava) e cheia de energia ir correr. Talvez tenha sido da guiness com shot de Porto - combinacao incombinavel disse - nao é, afinal, intragável. Quase que já gosto deste hábito ingles do encontro ao fim do dia.
Calcoes branquinhos e curtinhos (um presente de Mikonos, imagine-se), sem meias e correr... Gurkein, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Thames, the City (sem ordem particular), tao bom. Frio - nada! E como souberam bem as gotas de chuva no regresso para refrescar ja com a "dor de burro". Desvantagens de corredor domingueiro! Adoro o meu mar, o Sol, a praia, mas... não trocaria esta sensacao fantastica. Idealmente, o melhor de dois mundos! ou tres, ou quatro... "eu quero tudo!" diria uma amigo meu.

Semana de reencontros e... de despedidas. Estranhos sentimentos que se encontraram numa harmonia.

Houve ainda tempo para cozinhar e estudar. E hoje, a pedido, para ensinar! Gosto tanto.

É Primavera. Tempo de mudar. Como em tantas casa, aqui fez-se "arrumacoes de primavera". Para quem nao gosta de deitar coisas fora, dir-se-ia que me portei muito bem! O aquecedor foi arrumado, e a roupa de Verão posta mais à mão.

No meio dos papeis encontrei um recorte do London Paper de 17 Setembro de 2009, numa das suas ultimas edicoes. Partilho convosco o texto de Kirsty Ross, colunista

"Things that remind me I´m foreign"

You know you are a foringner living in London when...
  • You have no idea what that mess inside the kettle is, especially seeing you bought it only 3 months ago.
  • Asked "Alright?", you answer, "I´m fine why?"
  • Come Summer and 17C, you find yourself actually comtemplating slipping into a bikini (you too, boys) for the park like everyone else.
  • You catch yourself complaining, then cut yourself off, afraid you´re becoming "one of them".
  • You´ve learnt never again to sit upstairs on the number 38 bus at night after breathing in secondary crack smoke from the junkie behind you.
  • You´re amused watching Londoners tell off tourists who stand on the left... after learning the hard way yourself.
  • You feeel raped and pillaged of your annual leave by making an obligatory trip "home".
  • Heading to a summer music festival, you pack your gumboots (aka wellies) rather than your thongs (aka flip-flops) and a bikini/boardies
  • You no longer own sunscreen.
  • You find yourself feeling prudish about Page 3 girls.
  • People think you are the local crazy lady when you fleetingly smile at them in the street.
  • It takes a while to learn what people are talking about when they refer to "the city"
  • You discover that sanitising gel exists and learn you´ll die without it.
  • You get weird looks when you mention your "pants are wet". Meaning, of course, you stepped in a puddle.
  • You think chocolate bars are a bargain.
  • You keep falling for Ryanair´s "free flights" deal - even though they are not free - and then bitching about the £10 credit-card fee
  • You discover drugs are cheaper than at home... unless you´re from Colombia
  • You´re the only person making a bee-line for the office window when it snows
  • You go to fill in a tax return and you´re told you don't have to (huh?)
  • You take your piggy bank of trash coins to the bank and lean they´ve never heard of a coin-sorter. Start bagging, bitches!
  • You can walk into your kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, by pivoting in one foot.
  • You don´t believe you have to bag your own groceries... and be the one offering friendly greetings
  • You order a pint and find out the barman went to school just down the road from where you grew up.
  • You find it fascinating that riding on the Tube turns your snot black.
  • You used to think the grass is green back at home but began to realize the grass is greener wherever you are now...

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